Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic Analysis with Decoration When we analyse chromatic music, we need to begin by separating the layers of music (bass, melody and any middle parts), to work out a functional …
Harmonic Analysis with Decoration When we analyse chromatic music, we need to begin by separating the layers of music (bass, melody and any middle parts), to work out a functional …
Writing keyboard accompaniments is probably a task you have not done very often, so in this lesson we will look at some of the typical types of accompaniments often found …
Using the Given Opening Before you attempt an ABRSM grade 7 question 2 keyboard question, the first step is to analyse what is already on the page – you will …
Introduction to the Keyboard Reconstruction Question Most of the time, question 2 in the grade 7 music theory exam paper is based on a Baroque style Bach Chorale. He wrote …
Method In this lesson you will learn my method for tackling Q2 of the ABRSM Grade 7 Music Theory paper. If you can memorise the method, you should find that …
In question 2 of the grade 7 exam, the most common type of question asks you to add melodic decoration to a Bach chorale. (Another type of questions is the …