We’ve already learned about our first clef, the treble clef.
For most low-pitched music (where most of it is lower than middle C), we use the bass clef.
The bass clef looks like this:

The two dots on the bass clef are placed either side of the line where we can find the note F, so it’s also known as the “F clef”. This is the first F below middle C:

The bass clef is used by lots of low-pitched instruments, such as the tuba (pictured), bassoon and double bass.

Note Names
We can work out the other notes from F, using the spaces and lines of the stave. Here are the notes of the lines:

And in the spaces:

The note above B is middle C. It’s useful to be able to write middle C in both clefs (treble and bass). We use a small line for it to sit on, like we do in the treble clef, but this time the note is above the stave.

In the treble clef, middle C is below the stave.

Bass Clef Exercises
Point your mouse at the staff (tap on mobiles) to reveal the answers.
1. Give the letter name of each of the notes marked *. The first answer is given.
2. Write the notes. The first answer is given.
3. Add the correct clef for each of these notes.