Transposing by a 4th or 5th
In this lesson we will learn how to move a tune up or down by the interval of a perfect 4th or perfect 5th. This is the interval of transposition …
In this lesson we will learn how to move a tune up or down by the interval of a perfect 4th or perfect 5th. This is the interval of transposition …
Most clarinets and trumpets are pitched “in Bb”, which means that the sounds produced by the instrument are a major 2nd lower than written. To work out how music written …
What note do you hear when you play this note on the piano? You hear a middle C, of course. But if you play the same note on a clarinet, …
In your music theory exam, you might be given a musical score, with questions about finding or naming intervals in that score. There are a few extra things to keep …
Compound Intervals You should already know how to work out the interval (quality and number) between any two notes that are an octave apart or less. If you need to …
Relative Major and Minor Keys Each key signature represents one major key, and one minor key. These two keys are called “relative” keys – they share a key signature because …
In ABRSM grade 5 theory you are normally asked to work out the key of some music without a key signature. You are given four key options for each melody. …
In the ABRSM Grade 5 Music Theory exam you may be asked to identify the correct clef of a scale. The correct clef might be treble, bass, alto or tenor. …
D# Minor The D# minor scales share most of their notes with the F# major scale. Both keys have six sharps in the key signature. Here are the D# minor …
Major Scales All scales have something in common; they have a defined pattern of tones and semitones. All major scales are made up with the following pattern, where T=tone and …