decoration in soprano and alto at the same time

Simultaneous Decoration

When decorative non-chord notes (e.g. passing notes or auxiliary notes) are used in two or more parts at the same time, it’s best to make sure that the decoration notes …

7-6 suspension


Suspensions are prepared, dissonant non-chord notes which resolve downwards by step. They fall on a strong beat, but are not normally accented in themselves, because they are usually tied backwards …

piano decorated with auxiliary notes

Using Decoration Notes

Auxiliary Notes Auxiliary notes are non-chord notes which are approached and quit in the opposite direction by step. They are usually unaccented. They can either be upper or lower auxiliary …

neapolitan 6th in Mozart K310

The Neapolitan 6th

One of the most commonly-used chromatic chords in the Classical period (and beyond) is the Neapolitan 6th chord, or “N6”. This is a major chord, built from the flattened supertonic …

secondary 7ths C major

Secondary 7ths

The chords ii7 and vii°7 are in a group of chords called secondary 7ths. A secondary 7th is an added 7th chord built on any degree of the scale except …

direct modulation

Direct Modulation

Modulation is the process of changing key. Although most modulations use the progression V-I or V7-I, sometimes music can pass into a new key without any preparation from the new …

The Modern Era

Modern music is defined by a general abandonment of the rules that were laid down in earlier times. Where Romantic music had irregular phrase lengths, modern music often goes one …