Working out the Time Signature
How to Work out any Time Signature in Music Work out where the main beats fall and how many there are per bar Work out the type of beat Pick the right simple, …
How to Work out any Time Signature in Music Work out where the main beats fall and how many there are per bar Work out the type of beat Pick the right simple, …
Watch the video for a demonstration of how to tackle the ABRSM Grade 8 Composition question. This video is taken from the MyMusicTheory Grade 8 Video Course: see
Performance Directions The given opening of your composition will already include: Don’t forget to copy these over in exactly the same way, when you copy the first two bars on …
Modulation Modulations are not stipulated in the ABRSM Grade 8 Composition question, but they are strongly recommended. You are unlikely to get a high mark in the exam if you …
Adapting a Melodic Idea Once you have decided which parts of the given opening are the most important (because they give the piece its character), you need to then adapt …
Creating a Structure It is a good idea to start your composition by outlining the whole structure of the composition. By building a skeleton structure first, you are more likely …
Analysing the Given Opening Every note or symbol that you write should have a justification. Each note should be: Find out the Characteristic Features of the Given Opening 1) The …
The composition question at grade 8 is similar to the questions set at grade 6 – you are given an opening of around 1-2 bars and are asked to compose …
Writing Alberti Bass The Alberti bass is a specific broken chord pattern, whereby the notes in the triad are played in the order lowest-highest-middle-highest. If you play the piano, you …
This lesson refers to the keyboard reconstruction question (Q2. ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). Phrases, Patterns and Sequences The examiner will be looking for evidence that you have noticed patterns in the …