Notation (Keyboard Reconstruction)
This lesson refers to the keyboard reconstruction question (Q2. ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). Notation Clefs It is quite likely that the extract will contain a change of clefs at some point …
This lesson refers to the keyboard reconstruction question (Q2. ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). Notation Clefs It is quite likely that the extract will contain a change of clefs at some point …
This lesson refers to the keyboard reconstruction question (Q2. ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). Voice Leading and Consecutives Although you are writing for piano rather than in four part harmony, you should …
This lesson refers to the keyboard reconstruction question (Q2. ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). Texture and Part-Writing The number of notes played by each hand can vary considerably within the same piece. …
This lesson outlines the second step in dealing with the keyboard reconstruction question (ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). ← Previous step Using Second Inversions The inversion of the chord is created by …
This lesson outlines the first step in dealing with the keyboard reconstruction question (ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory). Working with the Harmony Look at the existing harmonic rhythm, then work …
Introduction to the Keyboard Reconstruction Question For Question 2 ABRSM Grade 8 Music Theory, you will be given a piece of keyboard music, usually from the Romantic era, with several …
Step 5. Momentum At this stage your Trio Sonata should look almost complete, but it is probably not quite finished yet. In this step we will ensure there is sufficient …
Step 4. Patterns By this stage you will normally have been able to complete a large portion of the exercise already, but there are likely to still be some larger …
Step 3. Roots, Thirds and Fifths The next step is to look at each chord, aiming to find which part the root and third belong to. Work backwards from the …
Step 2. Leading Notes In a three-part texture like a Trio Sonata, the leading note will normally rise by a semitone to the tonic, even in an inner part. The …