Q2 | Realising a Figured Bass
Q2 Realising a Figured Bass “Realising a figured bass line” is a type of harmony exercise, where the figured bass is used to construct both a melody and inner harmony …
Q2 Realising a Figured Bass “Realising a figured bass line” is a type of harmony exercise, where the figured bass is used to construct both a melody and inner harmony …
ABRSM Grade 6 Q1b: Adding Bass and Figures to a Soprano Line In this lesson we will find out how to add a bass line and figures to a given …
Figured Bass Accidentals If a chord needs an accidental, a flat, sharp or natural sign is added as a figure. It is either written next to the number it applies …
In figured bass, a horizontal line shows that the same chord continues. It is called a “continuation line”. Compare these two examples: In A, a different chord would be needed …
5/3 – Root Position Chords 5/3 means “root position chord”, or “a” chord. We must add a 5th and a 3rd above the bass note to make a complete chord. …
Figured Bass – Introduction Figured bass is an 18th century system for notating improvised chords, which is used in modern times as a tool for music theory and analysis (so, …