medieval music videos

Medieval Music

Music in the Medieval Period This short series of videos explores the development of music during the Medieval period in Europe. Guillaume de Machaut Guillaume de Machaut was a French, …

The Keynote or Doh

Key and the Tonic (or Keynote or Doh) The tonic (also called the “keynote” or sometimes “doh”) is the most important note in a piece of music. It’s the note which …

The Musical Modes

Modes in Music What does “Mode” mean in music? The term “mode” has two distinct meanings. It can refer to “church modes” which were used to classify Gregorian chant in …

Audio Examples

Music Theory Audio Examples If you are like many other music theory students, you might find it difficult to “hear” in your head when you’re reading about music theory. It’s …

diminished 7th arpeggio

How to Play Arpeggios

How to Play Arpeggios Arpeggios are part of the Trinity music theory syllabus, but they are not tested in the ABRSM music theory syllabus. If you take a practical (instrumental) …

secondary 7ths C major

7th Chords

Chords with an Added 7th A “7th chord” is a general term for any triad with an added note which is a 7th higher than the root of the triad. …