Note Names in Other Languages
Note Names in Other Languages The letter names of the notes A-G which we use in English have different names in other languages. You might see these names written in …
Note Names in Other Languages The letter names of the notes A-G which we use in English have different names in other languages. You might see these names written in …
Instrument Families There are four families of instrument. Each family is defined by the way the instruments produce sound. Reed Instruments In the woodwind family, the clarinet, oboe and bassoon …
What note do you hear when you play this note on the piano? You hear a middle C, of course. But if you play the same note on a clarinet, …
Ranges of the Standard Orchestral Instruments and Voices Here are the normal ranges for the standard instruments used in the modern symphony orchestra. Please note: String Instrument Ranges Woodwind Instrument …
In your music theory exam, you will need to know something about the standard orchestral instruments used today. You’ll need to memorise some information about: The Orchestral Families In a …