leading note falling to dominant in an inner part

SATB Voice Leading

The four voices in SATB writing have different characteristics. In fact, 4-part music has three separate layers. The topmost layer is the tune, found in the soprano part. The lowest …



A “pedal” is a note which is repeated or held for some time, while the chords around it change. Pedals are normally found on either the tonic or dominant notes. …

moving to a second inversion by step

Progressions and Inversions

Bass Line When we harmonise a melody and select chords with specific inversions, the end result is a bass line. For example, choosing the following chords/inversions to harmonise this C …

progresion of 5ths

Common Chord Progressions

Primary Chord Progressions In earlier lessons we learned about cadences and pre-cadence chords. The cadence chord progressions are all very common, whether they are used at a cadence or elsewhere …

chord inversion analysis

Chord Inversions in Music

You should already have a basic understanding of chord inversions (root position, first inversion and second inversion). For a reminder, see Chord Inversions. In this lesson we’ll learn a little …