The following table shows you which elements of music theory are introduced at each grade of the ABRSM and Trinity syllabuses.
This is intended to be a quick reference guide for teachers and students. For more information, consult the full ABRSM music theory syllabus or the full Trinity music theory syllabus.
The syllabuses are cumulative, which means that at grade 2 music theory you also need to know all the material for grade 1 and so on.
Music Theory Grade | Board | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Note Values | ABRSM | Semibreve, minim, crotchet, quaver and semiquaver | – | Demisemiquaver | Breve | – |
Trinity | Semibreve, minim, crotchet and quaver | Semiquaver | – | – | Demisemiquaver, breve | |
Clefs | ABRSM and Trinity | Treble and bass | – | – | Alto | Tenor |
Time Signatures | ABRSM | 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 | 2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 3/8 | 6/8, 9/8, 12/8 | 2/8, 4/8, 6/4, 9/4, 12/4 | 5/4, 7/4, 5/8, 7/8 |
Trinity | 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, ![]() |
2/2, 3/2, 3/8, ![]() |
6/8, 9/8, 12/8 | 5/8, 7/8, 5/4 | 4/2, 6/4, 7/4 | |
Keys | ABRSM | C, G, D, F | A, Bb, Eb, Am, Em, Dm | E, Ab, Bm, F#m, Gm, Cm, C#m, Fm | B, Db, G#m, Bbm | F#, Gb, D#m, Ebm |
Trinity | C, G, F | Am, Em, Dm | Bb, D, Gm, Bm | Eb, A, Cm, F#m | E, B, Ab, Db, C#m, G#m, Fm, Bbm | |
Scales | ABRSM | Major | Minor harmonic | Minor melodic | Chromatic | Scales in C clefs |
Trinity | Major | Minor harmonic and natural (Aeolian) | Minor melodic | Chromatic | Pentatonic major | |
Composition | Trinity only | – | Compose melody to a given rhythm, based on scale/arpeggio | Add a bass line to a melody or vice versa | Add a bass line to a melody or vice versa, with passing notes, setting words | Add a bass line to a melody or vice versa, with decoration, set words to a rhythm |
Transposition | ABRSM | – | – | From treble to bass and vice versa | From treble or bass to alto and vice versa | From any clef to another at the octave, and to/from concert pitch for transposing instruments |
Trinity | – | At octave, no clef change | At octave, treble to bass and vice versa | By a perfect 4th/5th or for a transposing instrument for the grade | By any interval within octave, or for transposing instrument for the grade | |
Intervals | ARBSM | Above tonic by number | – | Above tonic by number and type | Above any note, up to a perfect octave, by name and number | Compound intervals |
Trinity | Above tonic, by number, excluding 6th and 7th | Major/minor 2nd/3rd, perfect 4th, 5th, 8ve | Major/minor 6th, 7th | Aug 4th and dim 5th | All intervals within octave | |
Harmony | ABRSM | Tonic triads | – |
– |
Dominant and sub-dominant triads | Chords, supertonic triads/chords, 1st and 2nd inversion chords, cadences |
Trinity | Tonic triads, chord symbols, Roman numerals, arpeggio | Broken chords, first inversion | Dominant triads, second inversion, perfect cadence, chord progressions, SATB | Dominant 7ths, harmonic rhythm, sudominant triads, plagal cadence, consecutive 5ths/8ves, modulation | Supertonic triads, imperfect cadence | |
Other | ABRSM | Accidentals, tones and semitones, ties, single dotted notes, degrees of scale, | Triplets | – | Double-dotted notes, duplets, double sharps/flats, enharmonic equivalents, technical names of notes, ornaments | Cadences, progressions |
Trinity | Accidentals, tones & semitones, dotted minims, circle of 5ths, ostinato | Ties, dotted crotchets, syncopation, degrees of scale, sequences, | Anacrusis, real/tonal sequences, similar/contrary motion, triplets | Enharmonic equivalents, concept of compound intervals, unaccented passing notes | Double sharps/flats, accented passing notes, auxiliary notes, ornaments | |
Instruments | ABRSM | – | – | – | Basic knowledge of standard orchestral instruments | Full knowledge of standard orchestral instruments & voice ranges |
Trinity | – | Voice ranges | Violin, flute, cello, bassoon | French horn, descant recorder, oboe, viola, double bass, guitar | Alto Eb saxophone, trumpet, Bb clarinet | |
Form | Trinity only | – | – | – | Sections | Strophic, verse & refrain (Chorus), binary |