Compound /4 Time Signatures
Time signatures with 6, 9 or 12 on top and 4 below are compound time. They work very much like their compound /8 counterparts (6/8, 9/8 and 12/8), but have a beat which is a dotted minim (dotted half), instead of a dotted crotchet (dotted quarter).
Each beat can be divided into three smaller units, each worth one crotchet (quarter note). The crotchets can be further divided into two quavers (8ths), then two semiquavers (16ths), etc.
When you are grouping notes together with beams, you should keep the total value of the group to one beat at the most.
6/4 – Compound Duple
6/4 has two dotted minim (dotted half note) beats per bar.

9/4 – Compound Triple
9/4 has three dotted minim beats per bar.

12/4 – Compound Quadruple
12/4 has four dotted minim beats per bar.

Compound /16 Time Signatures
Time signatures with 6, 9 or 12 on top and 16 below are also compound time. They work very much like their compound /8 counterparts (6/8, 9/8 and 12/8), but have a beat which is a dotted quaver (dotted 8th), instead of a dotted crotchet (dotted quarter note).
Each beat can be divided into three smaller units, each worth one semiquaver (16th). The semiquavers can be further divided into two demisemiquavers (32nds).
When you are grouping notes together with beams, you should keep the total value of the group to one beat at the most.
6/16 – Compound Duple
6/16 has two dotted quaver (8th note) beats per bar.

9/16 – Compound Triple
9/16 has three dotted quaver (8th note) beats per bar.

12/16 – Compound Quadruple
12/16 has four dotted quaver (8th note) beats per bar.

Compound /32 Time Signatures
Time signatures with 6, 9 or 12 on top and 32 below are, again, compound time. They have a beat which is a dotted semiquaver (dotted 16th), instead of a dotted crotchet (dotted quarter note).
Each beat can be divided into three smaller units, each worth one demisemiquaver (32nd). The semiquavers can be further divided into two hemidemisemiquavers (64ths).

Compound Time Exercises
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