Added 9th Chords
In figured bass, the number 9 is used to show a dissonance of a 9th above the bass. The rest of the chord will be the root position chord built …
In figured bass, the number 9 is used to show a dissonance of a 9th above the bass. The rest of the chord will be the root position chord built …
Occasionally you may see the figure 4 used by itself (without a 3). You should interpret it as a suspended 4th in the normal way, as far as possible. This …
Suspensions The only suspension figure that might appear in Question 1 is the 4-3 [1]. The figure 4-3 shows a suspension of a 4th within a root position chord. The …
There are four figures used for added 7th chords, one for each of the inversions. Root position 7th chords are written as 7, which is short for 7/5/3. First inversion …
Introduction to Grade 7 Figured Bass Question 1 in the ABRSM grade 7 music theory exam asks you to add figures to a given bass line. If you follow the …
Here is a harmonic sequence which comprises a progression of 5ths, each with added 7th chords. It uses a series of suspensions which allow each chord to move smoothly into …
A harmonic sequence is a short progression of chords which is then repeated, using different chords which are the same distance apart. For example, in the progression of chords I-IV-V-I …
The arpeggio 6-4 is another one of the few progressions where you can use a second inversion chord. (Other progressions with 6/4 chords that you should already know are the …
Chord Notes and Non-Chord Notes When we want to know which chords are being used in a piece of music, it’s important to be able to tell the difference between …
Consecutives Consecutive 5ths and octaves must be avoided between chords when you are writing traditional harmony. If the music contains melodic decoration like passing or auxiliary notes, then you also …