Figured Bass (Review)
The following figures were covered at ABRSM Grade 7. Here is a quick review: 7th Chords The figuring of added 7th chords was covered at grade 7, but here’s a …
The following figures were covered at ABRSM Grade 7. Here is a quick review: 7th Chords The figuring of added 7th chords was covered at grade 7, but here’s a …
Getting Top Marks In order to get full marks for the figured bass question at grade 7, it’s normally necessary to show some initiative. There will be places where a …
Problem Areas In this lesson we will focus on some particularly problematic areas of figuring a bass in Question 1 of the ABRSM Grade 7 Music Theory exam paper. Accented …
Figuring a Bass Line In question 1 of the ABRSM Grade 7 music theory exam, you need to work out the figures which belong to the combined bass and soprano …
In figured bass, the number 9 is used to show a dissonance of a 9th above the bass. The rest of the chord will be the root position chord built …
Occasionally you may see the figure 4 used by itself (without a 3). You should interpret it as a suspended 4th in the normal way, as far as possible. This …
Suspensions The only suspension figure that might appear in Question 1 is the 4-3 [1]. The figure 4-3 shows a suspension of a 4th within a root position chord. The …
There are four figures used for added 7th chords, one for each of the inversions. Root position 7th chords are written as 7, which is short for 7/5/3. First inversion …
Introduction to Grade 7 Figured Bass Question 1 in the ABRSM grade 7 music theory exam asks you to add figures to a given bass line. If you follow the …
Q2 Realising a Figured Bass “Realising a figured bass line” is a type of harmony exercise, where the figured bass is used to construct both a melody and inner harmony …