Bach Prelude in D minor harmonic sequence

Harmonic Sequence

A harmonic sequence is a short progression of chords which is then repeated, using different chords which are the same distance apart. For example, in the progression of chords I-IV-V-I …

passing note 5ths

Decoration Mistakes to Avoid

Consecutives Consecutive 5ths and octaves must be avoided between chords when you are writing traditional harmony. If the music contains melodic decoration like passing or auxiliary notes, then you also …

decoration in soprano and alto at the same time

Simultaneous Decoration

When decorative non-chord notes (e.g. passing notes or auxiliary notes) are used in two or more parts at the same time, it’s best to make sure that the decoration notes …

7-6 suspension


Suspensions are prepared, dissonant non-chord notes which resolve downwards by step. They fall on a strong beat, but are not normally accented in themselves, because they are usually tied backwards …

neapolitan 6th in Mozart K310

The Neapolitan 6th

One of the most commonly-used chromatic chords in the Classical period (and beyond) is the Neapolitan 6th chord, or “N6”. This is a major chord, built from the flattened supertonic …

secondary 7ths C major

Secondary 7ths

The chords ii7 and vii°7 are in a group of chords called secondary 7ths. A secondary 7th is an added 7th chord built on any degree of the scale except …

chords in an orchestral score

Chords and Key in a Score

Chords in Orchestral Scores In the ABRSM Grade 6 music theory exam you will be probably be asked to identify one or more chords in a score. For this grade, …