Pivot Chords
Pivot Chords A pivot is a chord which belongs to both the old and new keys. Pivot chords can make modulations smoother, but it is not essential to use a …
Pivot Chords A pivot is a chord which belongs to both the old and new keys. Pivot chords can make modulations smoother, but it is not essential to use a …
Prevailing Key The key at the start of a piece of music is the “home” key. Music can change key for brief moments, or for longer passages. When there’s a …
Close Keys for Modulation Whichever key you begin with, the closest keys to modulate to are the dominant (add one sharp or remove one flat), the subdominant (add one flat …
Modulation “Modulation” in music means “change of key”. A modulation can happen with or without a change of key signature, and in fact, most modulations do not include a change …
Implied Harmony Although we think of harmony as being chords (usually three or more notes sounding at the same time), even a single line of melody has harmony embedded within …
Here is an SATB hymn tune Pansies, Lilies, Roses which is not decorated: To make it a little more rhythmically and melodically interesting, we can add unaccented passing notes between …
The four voices in SATB writing have different characteristics. In fact, 4-part music has three separate layers. The topmost layer is the tune, found in the soprano part. The lowest …
Doubling When a three-note chord is used in four-part harmony, one of the triad notes must be used twice. This is called “doubling” a note. The doubled note can …
Introduction to SATB Harmony Chords are often written for four separate voices, parts or instruments, because a 4-note chord makes a richer sounding chord than a three-note chord. This is …
Writing Chords to Accompany a Melody The first question in the ABRSM grade 6 theory paper asks you to provide a chord progression for a given melody. You are given …