new key signature

Close Keys

Close Keys for Modulation Whichever key you begin with, the closest keys to modulate to are the dominant (add one sharp or remove one flat), the subdominant (add one flat …


Modulation “Modulation” in music means “change of key”. A modulation can happen with or without a change of key signature, and in fact, most modulations do not include a change …

slow tempo

Implied Harmony

Implied Harmony Although we think of harmony as being chords (usually three or more notes sounding at the same time), even a single line of melody has harmony embedded within …

adding passing notes

SATB Decoration

Here is an SATB hymn tune Pansies, Lilies, Roses which is not decorated: To make it a little more rhythmically and melodically interesting, we can add unaccented passing notes between …

leading note falling to dominant in an inner part

SATB Voice Leading

The four voices in SATB writing have different characteristics. In fact, 4-part music has three separate layers. The topmost layer is the tune, found in the soprano part. The lowest …

SATB harmony

SATB Harmony

Introduction to SATB Harmony Chords are often written for four separate voices, parts or instruments, because a 4-note chord makes a richer sounding chord than a three-note chord. This is …