chromatic auxiliary notes clash

Chromatic Decoration

Chromatic Passing Notes Chromatic passing notes are passing notes which do not belong to the current key. They normally occur between two notes which are a tone apart, filling in …



A “pedal” is a note which is repeated or held for some time, while the chords around it change. Pedals are normally found on either the tonic or dominant notes. …

changing notes - leap and step

Changing Notes

The term “changing note” is used to describe a variety of non-chord note patterns. What they have in common is that the non-chord note is unaccented, and the figure employs …

double anticipation


An anticipation is an unaccented non-chord note which is an early sounding of the following chord note, which is then repeated within its own chord. For example, the soprano chord …

appoggiatura example


Appoggiaturas are accented non-chord notes which move by step (up or down) to a chord note to resolve. In this example, the chord is C major. The note D is …

examples of auxiliary notes

Auxiliary Notes

Ordinary Auxiliary Notes Auxiliary notes are non-chord notes which are approached and quit in the opposite direction by step. They are usually unaccented. Auxiliary notes occur between two chord notes …

single rising accented passing notes should be avoided

Accented Passing Notes

Accented passing notes fall on the beat, instead of between the beats. Here are some undecorated chords. There are thirds in the soprano part which could be decorated with unaccented …

fill gaps with passing notes

Unaccented Passing Notes

Passing notes are non-chord notes which are approached and quit by step in the same direction. They can be either accented or more usually, unaccented. Unaccented passing notes are the …

decorated chorale


Introduction to Decoration Most music that you listen to will sound a little more complicated than just a succession of chords. One way to add extra sparkle is to add …