Key Signatures and Major Keys (ABRSM Grade 2)
The major scales that we’ve learnt (ABRSM Grade 2) which use sharp key signatures are G, D and A major. The sharps in key signatures are always written in this …
The major scales that we’ve learnt (ABRSM Grade 2) which use sharp key signatures are G, D and A major. The sharps in key signatures are always written in this …
What are the Degrees of the Scale? Any note of any scale can be given a number as well as a name. The first/last note of the scale is often …
Melodic minor scales are a bit more complicated than other scales, because they have one pattern on the way up, but another on the way down. On the way up …
Minor scales sound different to major scales because they are built on a different pattern of tones (whole steps) and semitones (half steps). Many people think that minor scales sound sad, …
Major Scales Major scales are built from tones and semitones, with the pattern TTS TTTS. (T=tone (whole step), S=semitone (half step)) You should already know the scales of C, D, …
Key When we write music which mostly uses notes from the scale of C major and sounds good finished with a C, we say that the music is “in the …
The C Major Scale Listen to this series of eight notes: This is a scale of C major. (A “scale” is any defined series of musical notes.) In the C major scale, …