Adding Bar Lines
You might be asked to add bar lines to a short melody or check whether bar lines have been written correctly. The question could look something like this: Add the …
You might be asked to add bar lines to a short melody or check whether bar lines have been written correctly. The question could look something like this: Add the …
Hover your mouse over the UK note names to see the USA equivalents. In Grade Two Music Theory, we have some new time signatures to look at. The lower number …
Types of Scales Questions In the Trinity Grade Two Music Theory exams there are lots of different types of questions with scales. Here are some things you might have to …
Music which is written in a minor key will usually use a mixture of a key signature plus accidentals. There are no special minor key signatures in music theory- we …
What are the Degrees of the Scale? Any note of any scale can be given a number as well as a name. The first/last note of the scale is often …
Minor scales sound different to major scales because they are built on a different pattern of tones (whole steps) and semitones (half steps). Many people think that minor scales sound sad, …
Transposing at the Octave We can make a melody sound mostly the same, but higher or lower, if we transpose it by one octave. This melody begins on the note G …
Ledger Lines We have met middle C in the both the treble clef and bass clef and found out that the little line that goes through the middle of the …
Ties In music theory, a tie is a small, curved line which connects two notes of exactly the same pitch. The time values of tied notes are added together to …
What are Dotted Notes? Notes and rests can have their lengths increased if we add one or more dots. For Grade 1 ABRSM music theory, you only need to understand …