Ornaments are symbols that tell the player to change the written note in a specific way. Some ornaments are written on the stave itself, while others are written above it. Ornaments are never written below the stave.
In the ARBSM grade four exam, you need to be able to recognise and name the following ornaments:
- trill
- turn
- upper mordent
- lower mordent
- acciaccatura
- appoggiatura
The ornaments are the same in the Trinity grade 5 exam, except the turn is not included.
(Try to learn how to spell them correctly too! The last two are the hardest – try to remember which letters are doubled!)
You need to learn each ornament’s symbol, name and how it is written out. In the ABRSM grade four exam you might be asked to name an ornament from looking at its written out type, instead of its symbol.
Symbol | Name | Description of symbol | How it Sounds |
Trill | “tr” (often with a wavy line) | ||
Turn | Like a backwards “s” on its side | ||
Upper Mordent | Short zigzag | ||
Lower Mordent | Short zigzag with a line through | ||
Acciaccatura | Small sized quaver with a line through its tail | ||
Appoggiatura | Small sized note (e.g. a crotchet) |
Ornaments Exercises
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