ABRSM Syllabus (2020+)

Trinity Candidates: download practice tests from Trinity here: http://www.trinitycollege.co.uk/site/?id=1256

Answer all questions. You have 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Hover your mouse over the questions (tap on mobiles) to reveal the answers.

Scoring: 50/75=Pass,  60/75=Merit and 65/75=Distinction


1. Add the missing bar lines to these two tunes. The first bar line is given in each. (10 points)

a.Add the missing barlines to this tune

b.Add the missing barlines to this tune


2. Write the scales as indicated. (10 points)

a. One octave of the descending major scale that uses this key signature, using semibreves (whole notes).

scale 1 q

b. One octave of the ascending scale of D harmonic, using semibreves (whole notes). Use a key signature and add any other necessary accidentals.

scale 2 q


3. (a) Give the letter name of each of the notes marked *, including the sharp or flat sign where necessary. The first answer is given. (8 points)

Give the letter name of the notes

(b) Give the time name (e.g. crotchet or quarter-note) of the rest in the last bar. …. (1 point)


4. Add the correct clef and any necessary sharp or flat signs to each of these tonic triads. Do not use key signatures. (10 points)

a.E flat major

b.A major

c.D minor

d.Bb major

e.E minor


5. Rewrite the following in notes and a rest of half the value, beginning as shown. (10 points)

Rewrite in notes of half the value

Answer here


6. In each of the numbered spaces add the note or rest named below, as shown in the answer to [1]. (10 points)

Add the note or rest as shown

[1] minim (half-note) rest

[2] F, semibreve (whole-note)

[3] Bb, crotchet (quarter-note)

[4] F#, minim (half-note)

[5] F natural, dotted minim (dotted half-note)

[6] crotchet (quarter-note) rest


7. Rewrite these treble clef notes in the bass clef, keeping the pitch the same. The first answer is given. (6 points)

i)treble to bass 1

ii)treble to bass 2

iii)treble to bass 3

iv)treble to bass 4


8. Look at this melody, adapted from a piece by Schumann, and then answer the questions below. (10 points)

schumann melody


i)Give the time name (e.g. crotchet or quarter-note) of the rest in the last bar.
ii)Draw a circle round two notes next to each other which are a 6th apart.
iii)How many times does this rhythm occur? …..How many times does this rhythm occur?
iv)The key of the melody is A major.
On which degree of the scale (e.g. 2nd, 3rd ) does the melody begin?…………
v)Answer TRUE or FALSE to this sentence: The time signature 2/4 means that there are two quaver (eighth-note) beats in a bar. ……..