Test your skills and knowledge of Grade Five Music Theory with this free online practice test!


The questions are based on the ABRSM syllabus and cover:

  • names of notes and rests
  • all regular, irregular, simple and compound time signatures and grouping within these time signatures
  • keys, scales and tonic triads in keys with up to six sharps/flats
  • chromatic scales
  • intervals by number and quality, including compound intervals
  • degrees of the scale and technical names
  • tonic, dominant and subdominant triads and their inversions
  • cadences
  • score-based questions
  • Italian musical terms and frequently used symbols
  • treble, bass alto and tenor clefs
  • transposition between clefs and for transposing instruments

The pass mark is 50/75. A score of 60+ will earn you a “merit” and 65+ a “distinction”.

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Grade 5 Music Theory Test

1 / 70

Select the correct time signature for this bar:

time sig

2 / 70

Select the correct time signature for this bar:

time sig

3 / 70

Select the correct time signature for this bar:

time sig

4 / 70

Which of the three bars below is the correct rewriting of this bar?


5 / 70

Complete the sentence by typing a number.
This time signature means there are _______ dotted crotchet (dotted quarter note) beats per bar.
time signature


6 / 70

Complete the sentence by typing a number.
This time signature means there are _______ dotted quaver (dotted eighth note) beats per bar.
time signature


7 / 70

Which of the following bars is grouped correctly? 

8 / 70

True or false? The box shows correctly written rest(s). rests

9 / 70

True or false? The box shows correctly written rest(s). rests

10 / 70

True or false? The box shows correctly written rest(s). rests

11 / 70

What is the name of this note?note

12 / 70

What is the name of this note?note

13 / 70

Which of the below notes is the correct enharmonic equivalent of this note?

14 / 70

Transpose this key signature up a minor 3rd.

key sig

15 / 70

Transpose this note up a perfect 5th.


16 / 70

Transpose this note up a minor 3rd.


17 / 70

Transpose this note up a major 2nd.


18 / 70

Transpose this note down a major 2nd.


19 / 70

Look at these notes then choose the correct sentence.


20 / 70

Look at these notes then choose the correct sentence.


21 / 70

Look at these notes then choose the correct sentence.


22 / 70

Which of these shows the correctly written key signature of C minor?

23 / 70

Which of these shows the correctly written key signature of E flat minor?

24 / 70

What is the key of this melody? key

25 / 70

What is the key of this melody? key

26 / 70

What is the key of this melody? key

27 / 70

Which two notes are missing from this scale of C# minor melodic? scale

28 / 70

Select the clef which will make this into a major scale.

29 / 70

Select the clef which will make this into a minor scale.

30 / 70

Select the clef which will make this into a major scale.

31 / 70

True or false: this is a correctly written chromatic scale?

32 / 70

True or false: this is a correctly written chromatic scale?

33 / 70

This is the subdominant in F sharp major – true or false?

34 / 70

This is the supertonic note  in G minor – true or false?

35 / 70

This is the dominant note  in Eb major – true or false?

36 / 70

What is this interval?


37 / 70

What is this interval?


38 / 70

What is this interval?


39 / 70

What type of interval is this?


40 / 70

What type of interval is this?


41 / 70

What type of interval is this?


42 / 70

Which of the below notes is a compound diminished 6th higher than this note?

43 / 70

Which of the below notes is a compound augmented 5th higher than this note?

44 / 70

Which of the below notes is a perfect 4th higher than this note?note

45 / 70

Which of the below notes is a diminished 6th higher than this note?

46 / 70

Which of these are three suitable chords to use at the places marked A, B and C, to form a cadence?cadence

47 / 70

Which of these are three suitable chords to use at the places marked A, B and C, to form a cadence?cadence

48 / 70

What type of cadence is this?

49 / 70

What type of cadence is this?

50 / 70

Name the chord marked in the box. The key is E minor.


51 / 70

Name the chord marked in the box. The key is D major.


52 / 70

Name the chord marked in the box. The key is B minor.


53 / 70

What does quasi mean?

54 / 70

What does sostenuto mean?

55 / 70

What does retenu mean?

56 / 70

What type of written-out ornament is this?


57 / 70

What type of written-out ornament is this?


58 / 70

The timpani are brass instruments:

59 / 70

The baritone voice is lower than the mezzo-soprano voice:

60 / 70

The flute is a percussion instrument:

61 / 70

The double bass sounds an octave lower than written:

62 / 70

The viola is a transposing instrument:

63 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

What does the final bar line tell the player to do?

64 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

The key is G minor. Which key shares the same key signature?

65 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

The cello belongs to the string family. What is the name of the lowest sounding standard orchestral instrument in this family?

66 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

Is the time signature of this piece simple or compound?

67 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

Give the technical name of the note marked D in bar 2. The key is G minor.


68 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

Give the name of the melodic interval marked C.

69 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

Give the name of the melodic interval marked B.

70 / 70

Look at the following extract which has been adapted from a piece for cello and piano by A. Longo, and answer the question.

Explain the symbol below the chord marked A in bar 4 of the left-hand piano part.