In this lesson we will learn how a melody can be written in a different clef – from treble to bass or from bass to treble, without changing the pitch of the music.  


Listen to these three Cs – they are all at different registers, or pitches.

three different Cs

On the other hand, these two Cs are at the same pitch although they are written in different clefs:

two identical Cs

In the same way, the notes in each of these melodies are also at the same pitch although they are in a different clef:

identical pitches

These two melodies are written at the same pitch, but using different clefs.

same pitch different clefs

Transposition Exercises

Point your mouse at the stave (tap on mobile devices) to reveal the answers.

Rewriting with a New Clef – Treble to Bass

1) Rewrite these treble clef notes in the bass clef, keeping the pitch the same. The first answer is given.

treble-to-basstreble-to-bass 0 1treble-to-bass 0 2treble-to-bass 0 3treble-to-bass 0 4

2) Rewrite these melodies in the bass clef, keeping the pitch the same. The first two notes are given.

a. Rewrite the melody in the bass clef 1

b. Rewrite the melody in the bass clef 2

Rewriting with a New Clef – Bass to Treble

3) Rewrite these bass clef notes in the treble clef, keeping the pitch the same. The first answer is given.

bass-to-treble 0 0bass-to-treble 0 1bass-to-treble 0 2bass-to-treble 0 3bass-to-treble 0 4

4) Rewrite these melodies in the treble clef, keeping the pitch the same. The first two notes are given.

a. Rewrite this melody in the treble clef 1


b. Rewrite this melody in the treble clef 2