regular harmonic rhythm analysis

Harmonic Rhythm

Harmonic Rhythm Harmonic rhythm is the rhythm created by each chord change. The harmony might change with each bar, twice a bar, with each beat, or perhaps every two bars …

inverted cadences

Inverted Cadences

Inverted Cadences Standard cadences use root position chords, but sometimes cadences with first inversion chords can be used. These are known as inverted cadences. Inverted cadences are unlikely to appear …

augmented 4th

Voice Leading in Minor Keys

Dissonant Melodic Intervals Augmented and diminished melodic intervals are uncommon but do sometimes occur. Dissonances should resolve by step: move from the dissonance to the nearest possible note. In most …

3-part leading notes rise

3-Part Voice Leading

3-Part Texture Most of the harmony rules we have learned up to now have been based on 4-part, SATB harmony. Music can, of course, be written for any number of …

figured bass 8-7 passing note

Figured Decoration

From time-to-time unfamiliar figures can appear in figured bass. Most of the time they occur because of decorative notes which are essential to include. Sometimes the figure will include a …